ROCKY MOUNT - Elizabeth Anne Blanchard Wilgus, age 95, died on Saturday, April 30, 2022, surrounded by her family.
Known as Anne, Liz, Mom, Lizzie, and Miss Anne, she loved to sing, to learn, to read (especially to young children and grandchildren), to swim, to focus her pranks and very dry sense of humor on unsuspecting friends, and to enjoy everything about Nags Head. A lifelong member of First Presbyterian Church, she was among the first women elders and sang in the choir for over 50 years, retiring in 2016. Until her children went off to college, she worked as a substitute teacher at Rocky Mount Senior High and as an assistant to Kate Parks Kitchin, Mary Wood Bobbitt, and Esmeralda Hawkins, a career she loved. She graduated from Rocky Mount High School and Mary Baldwin College. When she was 50, she earned a Masters in Library Science from ECU, and when she was 68, she earned a Masters in Liberal Studies from Duke University. As a reference librarian and then director of the library at NC Wesleyan College, she loved helping students and fellow faculty find resources and great books. At First Presbyterian, she served in every volunteer position there was, including a ten-year stint teaching the three-year-olds. Infants and toddlers made her eyes light up, even until the end.
Born in Rockingham County, NC, on September 4, 1926, she was the daughter of the late Clyde James Blanchard and Rochelle McLeod Blanchard. She was also preceded in death by her first husband, James Martin Wilgus; her second husband, Michael Podesta; her brother, Jim Blanchard; and his wife, Pat.
She is survived by her children, Gay Wilgus, Shelley Murray and husband Tom, Walter Wilgus and wife, Laurie, Alex Wilgus and wife, Jennifer, Alex Podesta and wife, Arwen, Joshua Podesta and wife, Catherine, Greg Baker, and Bob Rawls and wife, Monica; her 14 grandchildren; her four great-grandchildren; and her five nieces and one nephew.
A celebration of her life will be held on Saturday, August 27, 2022, at 2:00 PM at First Presbyterian Church of Rocky Mount, 153 N. Church Street, Rocky Mount, NC 27804. All are welcome (unvaccinated friends should wear a mask, please).
Our mother will be inurned with our father, James Wilgus, at Arlington National Cemetery at a later date.
The memorial service will be streamed on Facebook Live. Anyone who “likes” the Facebook page for First Presbyterian Church Rocky Mount ( will have access to the service. The service is also accessible through the churchs YouTube channel.
The family is grateful for the support of her devoted and loving team of caregivers, who have helped her thrive these past five years. They are also grateful for the compassionate care of Community Home Care and Hospice.
In lieu of flowers, memorials may be made in her memory to the First Presbyterian Church music program, 153 N. Church St, Rocky Mount, NC 27804, or to Children's Hope Alliance, PO Box 1, Barium Springs, NC 28010.
Arrangements entrusted to Wheeler & Woodlief Funeral Home & Cremation Services, 1130 N. Winstead Avenue, Rocky Mount, NC 27804. You may share memories and condolences with the family by visiting
First Presbyterian Church
153 N. Church Street
Rocky Mount, NC 27804
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Saturday 8/27, 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm
A celebration of her life will be held on Saturday, August 27, 2022, at 2:00 PM at First Presbyterian Church of Rocky Mount, 153 N. Church Street, Rocky Mount, NC 27804.
Please accept our deepest condolences for your family’s loss.
I love you so much and I will miss all of the laughs and joy we shared these last few
My deepest condolences for your family 🙏🏾
May your family find peace and comfort in your shared love and memories.
Professor Gay Wilgus, My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. My sincere condolences to you all. I pray that you will find the strength to get through these tough times. Please let me know if you need me for anything.
How do you say goodbye to someone you have never met I will start by saying thank you. Thank you Miss Anne for the legacy you have left behind. The world has been made brighter and better by your light. I know this because I know Gay, your twin. Your love of children is so apparent in her love for children and their well-being. Your love of music she carries in her very soul. Your willingness to reach out across the table is manifested in her willingness to break down barriers. You wasted not a day of your 95 years gift and Gay’s passion for life and her love, obviously, but more so her respect for you she has passed on to those of us blessed enough to be educated by her. I say Heaven has been waiting for you to bring additional love there, and as I give my thanks I will also give my humble request that I have the opportunity to sit and talk with you when I arrive in paradise. (Sidebar, thank you for the beauty tip warm water washcloth to my face before bed and as soon as I arise.)
I first met Anne in 1986 when I joined the faculty of North Carolina Wesleyan College. We later sang together in the Chancel Choir of First Presbyterian Church. I always enjoyed our conversations and the music that we shared, and I appreciate all that she has done for the College and the Church. Her family is in my thoughts and prayers. Jay Quinan Professor Emeritus of Psychology
I met my friend Gay’s Mother only once, but their shared pleasure in singing, small children, life long learning and stories, both read and told, connected them for me. My deepest sympathy to my friend Gay and to the rest of her family. Barbara Martinsons
We had the pleasure of working with Anne at NC Wesleyan College for many years. Anne was the consummate professional with a kind and gentle spirit, and we loved her dry wit! Our condolences to Anne’s family, peace be with you.
Sent with love and remembrance. Gay et toute la famille, avec mes plus sinceres condoleances. Maboula Garden of Memories was purchased for the family of Elizabeth Wilgus by Maboula Soumahoro. Send Flowers
Thinking of you today and remembering times with your mother. She was, indeed, a very special lady. Love, Bill and Pat Florist’s Choice Bouquet was purchased for the family of Elizabeth Wilgus by William and Patricia Collins. Send Flowers