Crystal Ann Wiggins Patterson, 32, and her unborn child Sophia, died Thursday, July 29, 2010 from injuries sustained from a tragic automobile accident. Crystal was born October 6, 1977 in LaGrange, daughter of John Dee Wiggins, Jr. and Mary Shackelford. Along with her parents, she is survived by her husband, Robert Wayne Patterson; daughters, Darlene Patterson and Patricia Patterson; son, David Patterson; sister, Sherry Wiggins; brother, Jamie Williams; sisters, Christi Dulaney and Nichole Scott; niece, Hannah Dulaney and nephew, Colby Scott; and her stepfather, John Shackleford "Pastor John" and special friend, Joe Caludio.
Crystal will be remembered as a very loving, compassionate person who adored her children. She will be missed by all who knew her.
Funeral services for Crystal and Sophia will be 2:00 p.m. Tuesday, August 3, 2010 at Wheeler and Woodlief Funeral Home Chapel with Pastor John Shackleford officiating. Visitation with family and friends will be 12:30-2:00 prior to the service.
Arrangements entrusted to Wheeler and Woodlief Funeral Home, 1130 N. Winstead Ave., Rocky Mount, NC. You may share your memories and send condolences to the family by visiting
Wheeler & Woodlief Funeral Home & Cremation Services
1130 N. Winstead Ave.
Rocky Mount, NC 27804
ID ) ); ?>"> --> 252-451-8800 --> |
Tuesday 8/3, 12:30 pm - 2:00 pm
Chapel of Wheeler & Woodlief Funeral Home
1130 N. Winstead Avenue
Rocky Mount, NC 27804
ID ) ); ?>"> --> 252-451-8800 --> |
Tuesday 8/3, 2:00 pm
Please accept our deepest condolences for your family’s loss.
Sent a gift in memory of Crystal Wiggins Patterson
Sent a gift in memory of Crystal Wiggins Patterson
Sent a gift in memory of Crystal Wiggins Patterson
Lit a candle in memory of Crystal Wiggins Patterson
Crystal was a sweet, dear young woman, who loved all of family with all of her heart. We are related by marriage , my husband is her uncle by marriage, I am her aunt. I met Crystal almost 15 years ago at my wedding, she was so sweet to me, brought us a wedding gift, and treated me like she had allways knew me. Even though it had been awhile since i had spoken to her, she aways talked to me like it was just yesterday. We would talk about family, homeschooling and so much more. She loved her brother Jamie with her whole heart, the love she had for her children was overflowing, they were her world. Her passing is such tragic news to us, I know that we will miss her so much , as will all that knew her. I know that we will meet again in Heaven, what a glorious day that will be! Mr. Kenneth (Boo) and Mrs. Arlene Dawes Wake Forest N.C.
Crystal was a nice and caring person with a heart of gold. The smallest of things made her happy. I remember her smile and country talking. I also remember her spending weekends with my family when she was still a young girl. This is her Aunt Rita Wiggins. She stayed next to us for a while and we shared a lot of time together. She spent last Thanksgiving and part of last Christmas with us. We went out to eat, shopping and to the movies once. We got together and went to the coast for a weekend; it was a great get away for all of us. We all had hoped for the chance to go camping together this fall. It was a great pleasure to be part of her life. She and Joe were looking forward to the arrival of their baby. She was a devoted and loving mother. She put her children first and would do without for herself to give as much as she could to her children. We will miss her very much, but look forward to seeing her and meeting her little girl in heaven one day.
Sent a gift in memory of Crystal Wiggins Patterson
Sent a gift in memory of Crystal Wiggins Patterson
Sent a gift in memory of Crystal Wiggins Patterson
Sent a gift in memory of Crystal Wiggins Patterson
Sent a gift in memory of Crystal Wiggins Patterson
Sent a gift in memory of Crystal Wiggins Patterson
Sent a gift in memory of Crystal Wiggins Patterson
Lit a candle in memory of Crystal Wiggins Patterson
Lit a candle in memory of Crystal Wiggins Patterson
Lit a candle in memory of Crystal Wiggins Patterson
Lit a candle in memory of Crystal Wiggins Patterson
Lit a candle in memory of Crystal Wiggins Patterson
goodnight my angel,no at moment or should i say second goes by i am thinking of you and sophia without pause…..
Crystal, Sorry I never had the opertunity to meet you or my new neice. I was able to meet your little girl Patricia the other day. She was so sweet and very pleasant while she was at my house. I’m sure you will be truly missed and thanks for being so kind to my brother. I will be sure to keep you, your children, and the rest of your family in my prayers. Sincerly, Chantelle Henries ( Jose Claudio’s sister)
Lit a candle in memory of Crystal Wiggins Patterson
Lit a candle in memory of Crystal Wiggins Patterson
Lit a candle in memory of Crystal Wiggins Patterson
Lit a candle in memory of Crystal Wiggins Patterson
Crystal, you and you baby are in a far better place but those you left behind will miss you greatly. Our many prayers now go out to you precious children and loved ones for their grief will take time. However, by the grace of God time does heal all pain. We will continue to light a candle in your rememberance in the many days ahead. Love, Linda (Nana) and Aunt Diane
What a tragic loss. My heart goes out to her family. RIP momma and beautiful baby girl. A cafemom mom.
Sent a gift in memory of Crystal Wiggins Patterson
Lit a candle in memory of Crystal Wiggins Patterson
Lit a candle in memory of Crystal Wiggins Patterson
Lit a candle in memory of Crystal Wiggins Patterson
mama i love u and i mess u so much thanks for all the thangs u did for me and been there for me.u were deply loved by all and we all mess u and i love u sophia u were a pretty little sister.-david patterson
Today we laid to rest my two angels..I would like to thank first Pastor John for all his surpport and his great message.Pator John and Miss Mary thank you so much for everything..To Dawn,Nichole,And Christy i dont no what i would have done without you guys the past couple of days,thank you for including me as your family….Rita and Angie the same without your calls thursday it was impossible…Mr.John thank you also for you nice comments to me..I also would like to thank the Patterson family for including me and the great surpport from all… Momma Trish and Kieth you were great to me…David,Darlene, and Lynie i love you guys and always will. Mrs Lois and husband also thank you so much…I met so many strangers today with so much love i no it would have made Crystal very happy.Jamie i will always be here for you.If i have forgot anyone i am sorry but thank you so much to all…Much thanks to the staff at the funeral home,especially Micheal…..Crystal and Sophia i hope you are sleeping with angels tonight… Joe Te quiero mucho mi reina!!!!!!!!
This has been one of the saddest days of my life there well never be a day that passes by that I wont miss you, you are in a far better place now and that is the only thing that brings comfort to my heart I am thankful and blesses to have you as a sister and you will forever remain my sister I love you…..Baby Sophia it hurts so bad that I never got to hold you and kiss but I love you still and always you will always be my neice Aunt Cole loves you RIP my angels…..
We were honored to be at Crystal and baby Sophie’s service today. We will always miss you both , you both were loved by many and we will see you both at the gates of Heaven one day. Joe, if you or the children need anything, please let Mary or jimmy know, it was also a honor to meet you today . Mary ,may the peace of God be upon you at the time, you were a great mother to Crystal. Jimmy, we love you and you were a wonderful father to Crystal. May God bless you all and you are in our prayers. Mr. Kenneth (Boo) and Mrs Arlene Dawes and John Calvin Dawes (son) Wake Forest N.C.
It is with great sorrow that we write this message to the Patterson family. Our prayers will continue to be with the family from this day forward. If there is anything that we can do for you, David or for the Patterson family, please don’t hesitate to call. Psalm 305 Weeping may endure for a night but joy cometh in the morning. Latrisha Williams & Sherron Patterson
I’m so sorry. Keeping your family in thought and prayer!
Lit a candle in memory of Crystal Wiggins Patterson
Lit a candle in memory of Crystal Wiggins Patterson
Lit a candle in memory of Crystal Wiggins Patterson
Lit a candle in memory of Crystal Wiggins Patterson
Once again my angel i will try to sleep without you,i hope are little angel is in your arms..Goodnight and dream of me as i will you…
Sent a gift in memory of Crystal Wiggins Patterson
Lit a candle in memory of Crystal Wiggins Patterson
Lit a candle in memory of Crystal Wiggins Patterson
Lit a candle in memory of Crystal Wiggins Patterson
Lit a candle in memory of Crystal Wiggins Patterson
goodnight my love dreaming of you,hold my sophia close…Love Joe
Sent a gift in memory of Crystal Wiggins Patterson
Spent the day with nichole,dawn your mom,pastor john,cristy,jim,david,most of all with you because all i did is think of you….They say it gets better with time, idont see that there is enough time to get rid of the pain of losing you and my sophia….goodnight my little angels!!!!!!!
Lit a candle in memory of Crystal Wiggins Patterson
Lit a candle in memory of Crystal Wiggins Patterson
hello angel its sunday another day without you and our little baby…I sure would like to rub that belly right now…..i cut the grass today i no it was not one of your favorite things but i kept looking to the back door waiting for you to come with my glass of tea… still waiting…….well my love its time to go to sleep have to get up early you no so i will pray for you and my sophia until i fall asleep which i proberly wont sleep you no me,kiss my sophia for me and tell her daddy loves her…T.O.U. siempre pensando en ti!
Lit a candle in memory of Crystal Wiggins Patterson
Lit a candle in memory of Crystal Wiggins Patterson
I love you crystal and miss you very much….i wish so bad i could have held my little sophia, goodnight my angel
hello my sweet angel another day has gone,i miss you so much,hug my little angel.. goodnight i love you..
Sent a gift in memory of Crystal Wiggins Patterson
Sent a gift in memory of Crystal Wiggins Patterson
Lit a candle in memory of Crystal Wiggins Patterson
Hello my angel i had a rough day today could not stop thinking of you,every where i turn there you were,i came home expecting to see you….Sleep well my love sleep with the angels for you are one of them,you and my Sophia…Love you with all my heart.. Daddys girl i sleep with you in my arms love daddy
a little bear for my little Sophia
Hello my angel its thursday,i came home today and could not go in the house i slept on the front porch for about two hours, i no you proberly already no this i hope you are watching me i feel like you are…I no my girl is a good girl tell her daddy loves her so much..I think of you all day waiting for a text or a call telling me you are bringing my lunch anything but its you all day then i get home and there you are all night in my mind,not my dreams because i dont sleep…. Amor de mi vida te quiero con todo mi alma y todo mi corazon,buenas noches a mi reina,besitos a mi hija……….
Thank you Terri for your comment it is good to hear people talk about her thank you..
Wow, i did not know this happend, I met Crystal online on FB, actually a while ago back she wrote about having domestic issues, I am not sure with who, not the one she is with now. I did not know that this even happend to her, I am so so sorry for your loss. She was such a good person, and really helped me out dealing with some things, I am again so sorry for your loss. If I would have known, I would have come to the service,
A book has been made in memory of Crystal Wiggins Patterson. It is a book of some of her writing, she loved to write and we have a few words of her to keep forever. Crystal was soo special to us. You may buy it to be sent to you or you may download it for free.Her aunt Rita and friend Angela put the book together in memory of Crystal.This is the link where you may preveiw it. Or buy it. or download it! httpwww.lulu.comritaangela
if anyone could email me mrs. mary’s address, i would truely appericate it. kenneth(boo) and i have something we would like to send her. please email me at [emailprotected], thanks crystal, i think of you daily, we miss you very much mrs. arlene dawes (boo’s wife)
Sent a gift in memory of Crystal Wiggins Patterson
Lit a candle in memory of Crystal Wiggins Patterson
Hey my beautiful angel its saturday i went to see david and got to see darlene and lynie for a few ,it me so happy..wanted to go see trish but we missed each other…After all that i went and got jamie and we out to eat….He misses you so much ,we went to the park and the first thing he said was my sister like it here…well honey its late jose is here with me at dawn and nichols…..Crystal i have never loved like i love you…Hug my sophia. i no god is taking much better care of the both of you then i could… See you tomorrow…xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxoooooooooooooooooooooooxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxoooooooooooxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxooooooooooooooooooooo
goodnight myloves i miss you both….Daddy
Sent a gift in memory of Crystal Wiggins Patterson
Hey hun just a note i am thinking of my two angels..Went to meet Cristy today and stop at the mcdonalds in kingston and they ordered food and all set down when i realized it was the same booth we set in the last time we ate there,well you no me it wasnt good,but you no what i dont care no more about all the crying , i am going to cry whenever i want wherever i want,you are worth a lifetime of tears,sometimes it hurts but i cry until i fall asleep…I dont like being alone you no that,thats why god gave you to me….The good things in life i am sure come from god thats why i no you came from him…They say no one is perfect but you came real close you no what i mean,you made sure i did what i was suppose to do always worried eabout everybody and do your stuff last…..One thing i no David,Darlene and Lynie mom was wonderful that means Sophia has a great mom all to herself….I hope you will tell her everyday how much i love her and wanted to hold her how we spoke of and to her everyday. Remember how i would try to talk her into kicking you….I will do my best my angel to help and guide the three babies you left here….You no i will i told you the same day i told you i loved you that it meant you and the kids and i meant it…I love them very much and will do my very best to stay in there lives.whenever there is a wall put up in front of me i will think of you and together we will work on taking it down…My sweet angel as i cry in these last words for tonight i will hold your pillow tonight like i held your hand our last night together and cry cry my self to sleep but dont feel sorry for me its not for being sad its just my love for you pooring from my eyes..i love you my angel oh my crystal i love you..goodnight
Sent a gift in memory of Crystal Wiggins Patterson
Lit a candle in memory of Crystal Wiggins Patterson
hello my loves just a note to let you guys no i love you,had a fair day today i no yours was great …..thought of you all day…..going to lay down for a while..keep me in your minds and heart as i will you…
Hey baby i had a long day,it was hot..Guess what i ate lunch,and it was from moores the whole time i thought of you, all the times you drove all the way to newbern just to bring me a sandwich from moores,you will never no what it meant to me to see you pull in the drive.. well everthing i say i guess you already no,so i wont go on and on…Kiss my Sophia for me and tell her daddy dreams of her in my arms everynight….goodnight whistle baby i miss you so…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Sent a gift in memory of Crystal Wiggins Patterson
Lit a candle in memory of Crystal Wiggins Patterson
Lit a candle in memory of Crystal Wiggins Patterson
Well my angel here i am in our house for the first time alone,and it well i better not say but its not good…..All my years i have always felt alone even when i was married…Deep down i have always had that feeling,and then came the day i finally met you and all them feelings went away…I lay beside you night after night sometimes wondering or trying to sort out the reason why with you i did not feel that way…I say to myself why do you love this women so much Where do i start without writing a book!!!! All the things you did for me without asking you knew what i needed before i did..All the nights we just talk and talk i was so happy just to sit there and listen…and at the same time you would listen to me in return without tire….The nights and the stories and the tears,what i would do to have you here now to listen to me and wipe away my tears as you did many times,and tell me its going to be ok.. This is a pain i have never felt angel and it —–……….You are suppose to be here to take care of me when i get old..People keep telling to try and forget how do you forget.. Thats like getting your arm cut off and forgetting you had a arm there…… You were my right hand,my best friend,my crutch my ear,my eyes when i could not read somthing,my common sense when i could not think straight i could go on allnight… you asked me many times my joe why do you love me so much,i wish i could tell you right now…You and Sophia were my second chance…A second chance that i needed but more then that, a second chance i wanted with all my heart and soul…Angel i could write to you all night and i dont like to type you no that ,so i leave you tonight with these little words.. Mi reina te quiero te quiero mucho a ti y mi hija tan bonita,yo say que estas con dios y con vas a intender todo por que con dios todos somos iqual….sueno conmigo mi amor por que yo estoy contigo siempre..mi corazon y mi alma es tuyo..besitos a mi hija.. buenas noches mi vida
i miss you my sweet crystal ,but i know you are with our heavenly father and that is good ,he is holding you and sophia and he has wiped all tears from your eyes so rest high in that beautiful garden. love aunt lois and now you are seranaded by angels.
Crystal and Sophia, I am so sorry that you had to go. God must have needed two more angels for sure. And as you look down on this earth and see the tears that have been shed for you, I hope that it confirms how very much that you were loved and you are missed. We have met Joe and it is no wonder that God had a hand in joining you two together. He is truely a special person as you knew and his love for you and Sophia will forever burn like a torch that never goes out. God truely has a job and a pupose for him in mind. You were one of the sweetest, caring, and loving mothers I have ever known. You were a deep feeling, talented, and unique individual. I love you my cousin and we will see you again one day. But, until then…..enjoy your new mansion and the splendor of your magnificent surroundings. Kiss Sophia for us and tell her that she is so blessed to have a daddy here on earth that is so terrific and so blessed to have you all to herself as well. We love you.
A Book is made In Memory of Crystal, her writings were a part of her. If you like a copy go to website link. From her Aunt Rita. In Loving Memory. Writtings of Crystal Wiggins Patterson! httpwww.lulu.comproductpaperbackin-loving-memory-writtings-of-crystal-wiggins-patterson12299105
Hello whistle baby its me again just a short note and i will leave you alone,its thursday and you no what that means it was a long day….well hun i have got up late everyday this week so why change now…i thought of you all day and Sophia i can amagine you playing with her and the sounds she must make…I think i am going to lay down for a while but dont worry ill be back,i will be here always as i promised you many times..Love you guys so so so much…Pookie and Sophia that means daddy…..goodnight my angels
Sent a gift in memory of Crystal Wiggins Patterson
Sent a gift in memory of Crystal Wiggins Patterson
Lit a candle in memory of Crystal Wiggins Patterson
hey my sweet girls,we went to the beach today,Crystal Cristy gave us all ballons and we released them in your honor,honey i was so,well i dont no but it was so beautiful,Hanna asked if they would reach you in heaven,did you get them yet I think i have hurt more today then any,i got to see Lynie and Darlene today but it rip my heart out when they had to leave….Looking at Lynie is like looking at you…..Crystal i dont no what to do i just dont no what to do….Everytime i see a baby it rips my heart out….i have been watching Colby all day oh how bad i wish i could have held our baby……david is still here with me,i have to do so many things angel…..But without you i am not surppose to be alone….You were the best thing in my life…..I love you and sophia with all my soul….i will be back soon to talk to you guys…Sophia daddy loves you and thinks of you all day…te quiero mi reina Joe
we miss you crystal and sophia, but what a wonderful place you two are at,allways know you are still loved, kenneth(boo) and arlene dawes
hey my love i dont have my glasses so excuse me if i spell somthing wrong…Here i am at Cristys house it all of us pastor john mom mary our three babies darlene lynie and david and jamie…..Also dawn nichole colbey mason,and taylor…all we need is you.. honey…..but i no you are here with us…i feel you here i no you are here…. Love you angel ……Kiss my little angel…dreaming of you…
Sent a gift in memory of Crystal Wiggins Patterson
hello my loves just me,it always me i guess had a long day and i am ready for a long night..i dont no how much longer i can stay in this house angel iam going crazy i see smell and feel you everywhere….i just dont no what to do or say…i dont no if i really care i am so angry somtimes it hurts i never new anger could cause pain…well hun i dont want to lay this bad stuff on you i am here for you and Sophia i love you lots lotss lots lots ……see you tomorrow night,kiss my baby and tell her daddy loves her…night night angel
Hello my love i would ask how was your day but i no it was wonderful,you and my baby on the streets of gold…i had a preety good day,i cried only about half of it…but there tears of love.. i am not going on and on tonight honey i no you are proberly tired of it,i will just say i love you and our Sophia with all my heart….. i will dream of my angels tonight…. Crystal In the morning i look to your pillow and remember your kiss goodbye.. As the day goes by i remember our daily talks, and your sweet messages….. Messages that made my day bearable Messages that made me want to come home and stay at home Messages that filled a gap in my heart that now is no longer a gap but a hole…… In the evening i come home to remember the beautiful nights we spent together planning our future,with our children,and all the things we wanted to do and things we already have done…. I remeber the woman your are the woman you was the woman i miss ,you were more to me than any woman could be…. I remember the smile on your face when i did things to make you happy My happieness was making you happy.. I REMEMBER CRYSTAL Goodnight my angels all my love daddy pookie
Sent a gift in memory of Crystal Wiggins Patterson
hello angel not much to say right now,its my birthday and you are not here,so that really bites.. Of all days i really need you today,i would do anything to be with you guys right now…I cant do this tonight angel i gotta go i will see you tomorrow…LOve you and Sophia Buenas Noches mi Angelita
Sent a gift in memory of Crystal Wiggins Patterson
Hello my Angel here i am thimking of you!!!! I had a fair day ,most of it thinking of you… I wonder how are little baby is doing…Does she sleep all night,does she cry alot ,does she keep you up How i wish i could be there to help you,not just to help you i guess to enjoy her with you..Last night was not too good and now that i am thinking about it tonight aint much better. our showis on tonight about the only show we both really liked….i cant hardly bare to watch. I can hardly bare to do anything…well hun not going to sit here and complain allnight to you i no its not your fault,i just never felt like this before and dont no what to do..well my love tonight as you rock our child tell her her dad sent a letter and said he loves her very much…I try to talk to Darlene,David and Lynie as much as possible,try to do what i think you would like me to do if there is any way you can help please show me …..Crystal the first time i told you i loved you i meant it and i no you no that,well no this i love you now like i did at that moment.. goodnight my girls……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
Lit a candle in memory of Crystal Wiggins Patterson
Lit a candle in memory of Crystal Wiggins Patterson
Sent a gift in memory of Crystal Wiggins Patterson
Lit a candle in memory of Crystal Wiggins Patterson
Lit a candle in memory of Crystal Wiggins Patterson
Sent a gift in memory of Crystal Wiggins Patterson
Lit a candle in memory of Crystal Wiggins Patterson
Sent a gift in memory of Crystal Wiggins Patterson
hey sweetheart just a quick not to let you no i am thinking of you…i am off to start my day,i will talk to you later ,love you guys bunches……
Sent a gift in memory of Crystal Wiggins Patterson
Sent a gift in memory of Crystal Wiggins Patterson
Sent a gift in memory of Crystal Wiggins Patterson
Sent a gift in memory of Crystal Wiggins Patterson
Sent a gift in memory of Crystal Wiggins Patterson
Sent a gift in memory of Crystal Wiggins Patterson
Lit a candle in memory of Crystal Wiggins Patterson
Lit a candle in memory of Crystal Wiggins Patterson
Crystal In the morning i look to your pillow and remember your kiss goodbye.. As the day goes by i remember our daily talks, and your sweet messages….. Messages that made my day bearable Messages that made me want to come home and stay at home Messages that filled a gap in my heart that now is no longer a gap but a hole…… In the evening i come home to remember the beautiful nights we spent together planning our future,with our children,and all the things we wanted to do and things we already have done…. I remeber the woman your are the woman you was the woman i miss ,you were more to me than any woman could be…. I remember the smile on your face when i did things to make you happy My happieness was making you happy.. I REMEMBER CRYSTAL
I would like to thank Kenneth and Arlene very much for continuing to visit the site for Crystal and Sophia it means alot to me and i no to Crystal also..Thank you..
Lit a candle in memory of Crystal Wiggins Patterson
Hey honey just a quick note i just got home and its almost 2 am,i went to see david and pick up Jamie and we went out to eat and went by to see cousin Lolita and here i am…But i could not go to bed without telling you i love you….so I love you and Sophia and i will see you tomorrow.. dream with the angels my angels….Daddy
Sent a gift in memory of Crystal Wiggins Patterson
Hello my love just wanted to stop by and say hello to my two sweet loves,i miss you guys so very very much…I went to see david he seems like he is really bored…i really wish you were here right now,i need your advice,i dont no what to do ….i wish you could send me a text….. Things are still the same,i cant hardly say your name,as i write these words i feel dead inside,people say that maybe this is the way it was meant to be..I dont think so i think we were meant to be…..i try to do different things to keep my mind off of my many problems,but i seem to always come back to the same..I got some mail today about some baby stuff and it didnt make me feel to good.
Sent a gift in memory of Crystal Wiggins Patterson
Lit a candle in memory of Crystal Wiggins Patterson
Sent a gift in memory of Crystal Wiggins Patterson
Hey honey just wanted to say goodnight and i love you and Sophia….xoxooxoxoxoxoxoxo Sophia Anna Claudio your daddy loves you very much!!!!!!
Hey just stopping by to say i was thinking of you …love you both so much talk to soon… xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxoooooooooooooooooooooooooooxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Lit a candle in memory of Crystal Wiggins Patterson
Sent a gift in memory of Crystal Wiggins Patterson
Lit a candle in memory of Crystal Wiggins Patterson
Lit a candle in memory of Crystal Wiggins Patterson
Lit a candle in memory of Crystal Wiggins Patterson
Sent a gift in memory of Crystal Wiggins Patterson
Lit a candle in memory of Crystal Wiggins Patterson
Sent a gift in memory of Crystal Wiggins Patterson
Sent a gift in memory of Crystal Wiggins Patterson
Sent a gift in memory of Crystal Wiggins Patterson
Sent a gift in memory of Crystal Wiggins Patterson
Hello my angel i am so very sorry i have not been here to see you.. I have had so much going on and all the court stuff,but no excuses i am sorry..Well my love i seen the girls they look fine..I talk to David he seems to be ok..I talk to your mom and pastor jonh yesterday.Your mom has such a big heart she is a good women. I went to see Rita and Angela and Joshua sunday and we went out to eat to the same place we all went.its was good but all i could think of was you!! I have been trying to do what i think you would have wanted Crystal and i think Monday i did it…I am starting to fall asleep honey i need some rest i will be back tomorrow..Tell my Sophia her daddy loves her very very much…I love you my angel and miss you even more…Pookie
Lit a candle in memory of Crystal Wiggins Patterson
Hello my love Happy Happy birthday,i have been thinking of you all day.. Crystal what can i say i adore you,i miss you and would give all the money in the world to have you beside me,hold you in my arms look in your eyes and tell you happy birhtday,but i cant..but if you can see me you no i have said it a hundred times… My beautiful angel nothing is the same without you..My tears have not gotten shorter,and it seems as if the pain stronger.I cant drive by Bojangles without crying… How i wish you could talk to me..i have thought so many times i should have been with you. So how is that daughter of mine,does she eat alot , i bet she does…Angel all i can do is pray for the day i meet you again…I spoke to you mom and pastor john today well i called everybody,like a love sick puppy to let them no today was my angels birthday but most of them knew already but i just had to remind them…well my love i must go its late once again. I LOVE YOU WITH ALL MY HEART NOW AND FOREVER CRYSTAL ANN WIGGINS OCTOBER -6-2010 FOREVER MY ANGEL FOREVER XXXOOOXXXOOO
Sent a gift in memory of Crystal Wiggins Patterson
Sent a gift in memory of Crystal Wiggins Patterson
Lit a candle in memory of Crystal Wiggins Patterson
Lit a candle in memory of Crystal Wiggins Patterson
Lit a candle in memory of Crystal Wiggins Patterson
Sent a gift in memory of Crystal Wiggins Patterson
Sent a gift in memory of Crystal Wiggins Patterson
Sent a gift in memory of Crystal Wiggins Patterson
Lit a candle in memory of Crystal Wiggins Patterson
hello my angel i wrote to you last night but it did not post i do not no why…i miss you so much ..i have been i need to forgive the man who did this to you. People say you would have forgiven him and i believe you would have,,show me Crystal because i dont no how to do this..They say he is in alot of pain and he is sorry for what he did and he dont sleep,I say what about me and my pain and i cant sleep he gets to go home to his wife and sleep every night…He took my soulmate and my daughter the start to my new life….I cry everyday i cant help it,i have to leave stores or walk out of a resturant because i think of you and begin to cry…I seen a new born baby girl the other day and i burst into tears and had to leave the store i was in…I no you would tell me to forgive him !!1 Well i am waiting tell me…I get mail for you everyday and i think of you how just a simple letter made you happy,that beautiful smile on your face when you got a letter..People say i need to try to control or stop crying,i dont want to stop as long as i cry i no you are with me..gotta go angel its almost 3 am..Hold my my angel tight and tell her daddy loves her… POOKIE
Lit a candle in memory of Crystal Wiggins Patterson
Lit a candle in memory of Crystal Wiggins Patterson
Lit a candle in memory of Crystal Wiggins Patterson
Hello my love, i lay here in our bed once again and i cant sleep..i have thought about you all day.It seems like every tv show i have seen the past few days is about babies or newborn babies or pregnet women.It just seems to keep coming back no matter what i do.. Honey if you can hear me i no you are tired of me talking to you.. i just cant help it it seems like everything reminds me of you or the baby… I am laying here i watch tv i call my son i text David but all i do is think of you and talk to you…I love you so so much,i wish i could have been with you just maybe i could have helped you in some way..I wonder alot if you were scared ,it hurts me so much the thouht that you were scared and alone…I have so many questions,but no ansewers. Where do i go,who can ansewer my questions..Something else i get mail for you everyday, just another reminder of you not that i am complaining i love thinking about you, it just upsets me sometimes to a point i cant control my emotions…well my beautiful angel going to take my meds and try to lay down again,be back soon…Tell Sophia daddy thinks of her just as much….Love you,so so much always my angel pookie
Hello my whistle baby just a note to let you no i was thinking of you…Its sunday nite about 220 am and i cant sleep…Tell my little angel daddy loves her…Going to take my shot and try to get some sleep..see you tomorrow,love you angel and miss you alot…. your Joe
Sent a gift in memory of Crystal Wiggins Patterson
Lit a candle in memory of Crystal Wiggins Patterson
Lit a candle in memory of Crystal Wiggins Patterson
Sent a gift in memory of Crystal Wiggins Patterson
hello my angels just stopping by to say goodnight and to tell my babies i love them both very very much..I am a better man to have had you in my life Crystal Ann and i will always love you…Sophia Anna daddy misses you, nite nite daddy
Sent a gift in memory of Crystal Wiggins Patterson
Sent a gift in memory of Crystal Wiggins Patterson
Sent a gift in memory of Crystal Wiggins Patterson
Sent a gift in memory of Crystal Wiggins Patterson
Hey whistle baby just stopping by to let you no i was thinking of my angels..I have had tough week this week,as i guess you no..So how is my little angel i try to imagine everyday what she looks like and what she might be doing…Its late angel so i am going to try to get some sleep.i will be back soon give my Sophia a big kiss and a hug from her dad.One day i will meet her….Love you lots and lots Your Joe
Sent a gift in memory of Crystal Wiggins Patterson
Hello my beautiful angels,here we are on christmas eve and all i can do is think of you..This would have been our first christmas together with our new baby girl and all i can do is wonder why you are not here with me..I wonder all the time what our daughter is like, i wonder about her smile,her laugh,oh what i would do to hear her cry!! Crystal everyone says to go on or it will get better honey i dont see it happening.. I miss you more now then that day..I cant do nothing without a memory of you, i cant drive by a bonjangles without a tear forming in my eye,the other day i took my son to eat and someone ask for extra mayo and that was it i had to walk away..i talk to my mom about you and tell her the stories of you and i and all the things you would do for me… I have been through alot in my life and none of that matters because you were my all, i never thought one person could mean so much to another …I miss you so much i miss you food ,i miss talk to you thru the door when you took your long baths..I miss you cooking for me in the crock pot i look at it all the time i can still smell the beans and ham cooking…I would give all the money in the world to have you next to me and to be able to put my leg over yours and get a good nights sleep…I want to get up and go get my baby Sophia because she crying and want to come lay in bed with us …I want you i want you home with me i want my Lynie i want us i want you to come home,i am still waiting for you come home… Everybody says this was gods plan well i dont think it was in gods plan to take you that day he has you now and he will take care of you and i no that is gods plan he will take care of you and my Sophia…Well honey i only hope and pray you can hear me i want you to no i love you more than this life i have..I will see you someday and me and you and Sophia will be together and i will never let you go again…You are in my heart and mine all day every day…I love you and adore the thought of you..Tell my Sophia that daddy does not breath without thinking of her…..I love you whistle girl,your are my whistle girl always…I no you are here with me..goodnight my love Your Joe
Lit a candle in memory of Crystal Wiggins Patterson
Sent a gift in memory of Crystal Wiggins Patterson
Sent a gift in memory of Crystal Wiggins Patterson
Sent a gift in memory of Crystal Wiggins Patterson
Lit a candle in memory of Crystal Wiggins Patterson
Lit a candle in memory of Crystal Wiggins Patterson
Hey angel baby just drop by to say hello and let you guys no i was thinking about you as if this was the only moment i think of no better whistle girl love you guys ..Sophia daddy thinking of you always …love you pookie daddy
Sent a gift in memory of Crystal Wiggins Patterson
Sent a gift in memory of Crystal Wiggins Patterson
hey mama i wanted to say i love you and miss you and i hope fully get off probation this mounth probation afficer said so im glad for that and dad is still a butt
Lit a candle in memory of Crystal Wiggins Patterson
Sent a gift in memory of Crystal Wiggins Patterson
Lit a candle in memory of Crystal Wiggins Patterson
sorry to hear that,i will say a prayer for you…thank you
Hey whistle baby how are you, I have been thinking about you guys all day. I guess you no nothing has changed here..Everyday i understand more and more why you use to tell me the things you did..I have learned how true they are.And sometimes it hurts but i just think back and i hear your voice..It seems like i miss you guys more and more everyday.I dream about you all the time.I thought about it the other day according to gods promise i never thought but Sophia has more than just you up there hopefully by now you and her have seen my dad i thought of that just the other day and that made me a little happy she has her grandfather up there with her..I must go now my angel just no i love you today as if it were that last night we spent together.. That is the only thing i have good from that i am so happy we had a good night that night…And i miss my Lynie poo so so bad…Tell Sophia i look to her always and send her all my love….Your Joe
thank you Joe, stay strong
Lit a candle in memory of Crystal Wiggins Patterson
Lit a candle in memory of Crystal Wiggins Patterson
Hello my love,i am so sorry i have not been here.i have been having health issues i guess you no that.How is that little monster of mine i bet she is really big by now.. I miss you so much,as much as i talk to you i guess you no everything…I dont no why but i am at a lost for words at the moment …I dont feel too hot either maybe thats why.. So give my little angel a hug and tell her daddy loves her very much…Be back soon honey….Your Joe
Lit a candle in memory of Crystal Wiggins Patterson
Hello my love, Today is a special day for you.I wish so much you were here to spend it with me you and Sophia..This is our first mothers day apart my love love.You have not been far from my thoughts all day…I think of you everyday but most of all today. Mothers day would have meant alot more this year to you and to me also..My only comfort is noing you are with god and Sophia is by your side..Crystal if you only knew how i long to have you beside me,it is all i think of…If i could bring you back just with my thoughts honey you would be here..I would just like to say my angel Happy Mothers day..I miss you,love you,more and more everyday..Kisses to Sophia Love you pookie rkidsrgreat
Lit a candle in memory of Crystal Wiggins Patterson
Lit a candle in memory of Crystal Wiggins Patterson
Sent a gift in memory of Crystal Wiggins Patterson
Lit a candle in memory of Crystal Wiggins Patterson
Hello my angels,just a note to let you both no i am thinking of you.. Crystal for many of your family this was the last day they got to see you. 7-04-10 But its gives me great joy to no on this day you were very happy..You and Lynie went to spend the fourth with your mom and Pastor John..I no you were excited to go and it made me happy knowing you were happy..Just no my angel you are in my every thought not only today but everyday…I love you… pookie
Lit a candle in memory of Crystal Wiggins Patterson
Sent a gift in memory of Crystal Wiggins Patterson
Lit a candle in memory of Crystal Wiggins Patterson
Lit a candle in memory of Crystal Wiggins Patterson
Sent a gift in memory of Crystal Wiggins Patterson
Sent a gift in memory of Crystal Wiggins Patterson
Sent a gift in memory of Crystal Wiggins Patterson
Lit a candle in memory of Crystal Wiggins Patterson
Crystal-in the morning i look to your pillow and remember your kiss goodbye..As the day goes by i remember our daily talks,and your sweet messages…..Messages that made my day bearable Messages that made me want to come home and stay at home Messages that filled a gap in my heart that now is no longer a gap but a hole……In the evening i come home to remember the beautiful nights we spent togetherplanning our future,with our children,and all the things we wanted to do and things we already have done….I remeber the woman your arethe woman you wasthe woman i miss ,you were more to me than any woman could be….I remember the smile on your face when i did things to make you happyMy happieness was making you happy..I REMEMBERCRYSTAL
Sent a gift in memory of Crystal Wiggins Patterson
Sent a gift in memory of Crystal Wiggins Patterson
a rose for a rose…….
Sent a gift in memory of Crystal Wiggins Patterson
Hello my love,just wanted to come and wish you a happy birthday… I couldn’t sleep last night just thinking of today.Our little angel is a year old now.. I just hope you no i think of you everyday.I go over it in my head head everyday. I hope and pray i will get to see you and my Sophia one day.. I will be back soon my love.. Always on my mind your Joe
Lit a candle in memory of Crystal Wiggins Patterson
Sent a gift in memory of Crystal Wiggins Patterson
Sent a gift in memory of Crystal Wiggins Patterson
Sent a gift in memory of Crystal Wiggins Patterson
Lit a candle in memory of Crystal Wiggins Patterson
Sent a gift in memory of Crystal Wiggins Patterson
Sent a gift in memory of Crystal Wiggins Patterson
Sent a gift in memory of Crystal Wiggins Patterson
Lit a candle in memory of Crystal Wiggins Patterson
Lit a candle in memory of Crystal Wiggins Patterson
Lit a candle in memory of Crystal Wiggins Patterson
You can shed tears that she is gone or you can smile because she has lived. You can close your eyes and pray that she’ll come back or you can open your eyes and see all she’s left. Your heart can be empty because you can’t see her or you can be full of the love you shared. You can turn your back on tomorrow and live yesterday or you can be happy for tomorrow because of yesterday. You can remember her and only that she’s gone or you can cherish her memory and let it live on. You can cry and close your mind, be empty and turn your back or you can do what she’d want smile, open your eyes, love and go on.
I thank you guys so so much as you well no you guys seem to be the only ones who even get up here.The words you left here are so so true..i just miss them so much.thank you so very much for being faithful and please continue to visit ,i love reading your messages..Joe
Lit a candle in memory of Crystal Wiggins Patterson
Lit a candle in memory of Crystal Wiggins Patterson
Sent a gift in memory of Crystal Wiggins Patterson
Lit a candle in memory of Crystal Wiggins Patterson
Sent a gift in memory of Crystal Wiggins Patterson
Sent a gift in memory of Crystal Wiggins Patterson
Sent a gift in memory of Crystal Wiggins Patterson
Sent a gift in memory of Crystal Wiggins Patterson
happy mothers day ma love you
Lit a candle in memory of Crystal Wiggins Patterson
Sent a gift in memory of Crystal Wiggins Patterson
Sent a gift in memory of Crystal Wiggins Patterson
Sent a gift in memory of Crystal Wiggins Patterson
Sent a gift in memory of Crystal Wiggins Patterson
Two years ago today my angel,I am still counting the days,I guess you no i went to see you guys today…It was so hot..I am going to your moms next weekend to spend the day..or actually i think we are all going to Christies…I am not going to stay up here long its late and i don’t feel well..But i want you to no the comment was made today that i didn’t need to continue going there and tend to you guys,that it was not needed.. I want you to no until the day comes that i am unable to travel or die i will be going there to take care of you..The day i told you i loved you i meant it forever,you were my soul mate and our daughter is at your side.the day you told me you were having our baby i made a promise to you that i would always take care of you no matter what and that what i plan to do. I love you both with all my heart.. Crystal Ann Wiggins and Sophia Anna Claudio July 29-2012
Lit a candle in memory of Crystal Wiggins Patterson
Lit a candle in memory of Crystal Wiggins Patterson
Lit a candle in memory of Crystal Wiggins Patterson
Heaven… is the place- where everything lasts forever, where love fills every heart, where praise never stops, where pain never enters, where joys never cease. No eye has seen, no ear has heard, and no mind has imagined what God has prepared… I Corinthians 29
Sent a gift in memory of Crystal Wiggins Patterson
Thank you so much for continuing to visit and your kind messages….
Lit a candle in memory of Crystal Wiggins Patterson
Hello my angel just stopping by to say hello and let u no i was thinking of u..Went to ur moms last weekend it was harvest festival once again..All i could do was think about you and my first time there for the harvest festival,it was my first time there without you..there are alot of things i do now without you.and at the same time all i do is think about you..i cant go to bojangles without wanting to cry.cant drive thru kingston without without crying all the way thru…i miss u so so much…well before i start i will go ..kiss my little angel and tell her i love her…with all my heart angel, i love you……
If I could have just one wish, I would wish to wake up everyday to the sound of your breath on my neck, the warmth of your lips on my cheek, the touch of your fingers on my skin, and the feel of your heart beating with mine… Knowing that I could never find that feeling with anyone other than you.
Hello my love just stopping by to say i love you and i was thinking about you..
Lit a candle in memory of Crystal Wiggins Patterson
Sent a gift in memory of Crystal Wiggins Patterson
Merry Christmas to our 2 angels, what a wonderful time to be in heaven, rejoicing the birth of our king! look down on us and know that we still think of you both and love you both. merry christmans kenneth boo and arlene dawes wake forest n.c. (jimmy williams brother ) merry christmas joe, stay strong and give the kids our love
thank you so very much for continuing to stop here and visit and for you beautiful commets…merry christmas Joe
Hello my angels and Merry Christmas to the both of you..Once again Christmas without you.My only comfort is my faith that god is real and you are both with him..I think of you both everyday,but at these times it seems all i can do is think of you,in a nonstop fashion all day all night,and to spend them with ur family somtimes is very hard.The pain is like it just happen…this should be a happy message my love ..I am sorry ,I love you both so so very much…Merry Christmas to you both…I love you Sophia Daddy
Lit a candle in memory of Crystal Wiggins Patterson
Sent a gift in memory of Crystal Wiggins Patterson
Sent a gift in memory of Crystal Wiggins Patterson
Sent a gift in memory of Crystal Wiggins Patterson
hey beautiful just stopping by to let u no I was thinking about you..its been a long long past two months.things are still about the same my angel…I wish everyday I could see you and hold our precious little baby…I guess by now aunt lois is with you and she is holding my little Sophia….I love you so so much I cant bring myself to have feelings for anyone…there is no way anyone will ever take ur place baby I dream of you all the time day and night…I cant eat a biscut without u coming to my mind..or hold a baby without tears…going to go now before I start to cry again.hug aunt lois and kiss Sophia for me… love u always Joe
Hello my angel another fourth went by without you, all I could do is think about you all day..Not that I don’t think about you all the time..I even thought of calling your mom but I thought it might upset her.I guess you get to see aunt lois now make sure you tell her I love her and miss not being able to text or talk to her..i guess Sophia is really getting big what I would do just to hold you in my arms and tell you how much I love u.ok baby going to sign off and I will be back real soon..hug my baby girl for me and tell her that her daddy loves her a lot.i love you Crystal as if you were still here with me,i will never stop my angel…love Joe
Lit a candle in memory of Crystal Wiggins Patterson
Sent a gift in memory of Crystal Wiggins Patterson
Sent a gift in memory of Crystal Wiggins Patterson
Lit a candle in memory of Crystal Wiggins Patterson
Sent a gift in memory of Crystal Wiggins Patterson
Sent a gift in memory of Crystal Wiggins Patterson
just wanted you to no I was thinking of the both of you…Sophia I cant wait for the day I will meet my little angel face to face.. I constantly think of you…missing you both so so much….love you ……………Joe
Lit a candle in memory of Crystal Wiggins Patterson
Sent a gift in memory of Crystal Wiggins Patterson
Sent a gift in memory of Crystal Wiggins Patterson
hello angel just stopping by to wish you a happy birthday,and tell u how much i miss u guys…i try to imagine all the time what Sophia would be doing now or how she would look or if she is driving u crazy…i cant wait til i meet her,and i will someday… happy birthday to u my angel…kisses and hugs…pookie
Hey, mom. It’s been years since I’ve even mentioned you on the internet, but I’ve been missing you very dearly over the years, and I guess this could help a bit. I miss you, very much. I never thought I’d lose you so early in my life, and I still don’t understand how I am making it now, I guess by that little hair that likes to grow on my chin. I don’t know if I’m taking the right path in my life anymore because you are not here to guide me, and I don’t know if that is the worst part, seems like all of it is the worst part. I miss you with all of my heart without a shadow of doubt and I love you more than words could express. It’s been really hard trying to be happy that you are away from all the negativity and pain this cruel world would ever bring you, on the other hand it hasn’t been hard to forget you. I remember you within everything. Everything I see, reminds me of you, especially gum ball machines because, if I got you a simple gift from one, you’d cherish it. I have two pictures of us, I talk to sometimes to heal the pain in my heart. I wish I had spent more time with you, I’ve learned my lesson, and I’m paying for it everyday. Me and dad hasn’t been on good terms and I’m currently not living with him. I’ve dropped out of school, not long after you’ve left. I’m in GED classes now regretting that I dropped out. I have a girlfriend now, after I came out to dad, it made me need you even more to comfort me.. In other words he wasn’t as accepting as he should have been. I have piercings, and four tattoos now, they are little. I know you don’t like that, since last time you found out I had a piercing you told me I was trashing my body, I’ve decided to be honest. (I’m sure you know all of this since I know your watching over me everyday but, somehow this gives me peace.) I had dreams of you since you left, these dreams were so vivid. I wish everyday that another dream will arrive, with you in it. For Sophia, I wish I could have met you. I wish we were able to have time to bond. Mom sent me pictures of you almost daily of you in her tummy. Mom even asked me what we should name you, and guess what I said Sophia that was your name, ever since. I was very excited and shocked to know I was going to have another little sister to look after, but now your looking after me. I miss you so, so very much. I love you so, so very much as well, mom and Sophia. – Love, Darlene.
Hey, mom. I talked to dad about my feelings towards him. It turned into another argument as usual. I miss you so much and I wish you were here to comfort me. All of these years of not having you here has been taking a toll here recently. I’m just another year closer to being with you though, behind those pearly white gates. I’m ready, but I’m not done doing what I must do on earth yet. I miss you and I love you. Hope you and Sophia are enjoying your time together.
Sent a gift in memory of Crystal Wiggins Patterson
Lit a candle in memory of Crystal Wiggins Patterson
Hey angel another birthday without you.38 today and Sophia 5 now i guess she is running around up there with you and aunt lois…As you well no i hope not a day goes by i dont think of you guys….This man who took you from me does not realize the what a hole he has left inside me..I was never nor ever will be perfect but the one thing i am sure of was the love i have for you..I finally got your stone,i guess you no that already.. well baby i am going to leave you for now,hug my baby girl and tell her her dad loves her …happy happy birthday from my heart to yours…always your pookie CRYSTAL ANN WIGGINS 10-6-1977
Sent a gift in memory of Crystal Wiggins Patterson
hey baby just stopping by to say hello to my girls…headed up to see u guys real soon baby and i will take you some new flowers and i got you some new lights. see you soon hugs and kisses to sophia…love you Joe
Sent a gift in memory of Crystal Wiggins Patterson
1 file added to the tribute wall
Hello angels just thought i would stop by and say hello and wish u both a merry merry christmas,you no how things get and time passes and i did not want it to slip by and not tell my babies merry christmas…hard to believe crystal its been five christmas s without u now ..i dont want to write about what i feel on that subject so i will leave it alone for now..i will be back soon baby,sqeeze my little girl tight and tell her her daddy loves her alot…talk to u soon much much love…Joe
Sent a gift in memory of Crystal Wiggins Patterson
Tomorrow will make six years now without my angels here with me… I think of you all the time,every-time i go to Greenville or Lagrange or New Bern every where i go i have a reminder or a memory of you…I assume by now Sophia is a big girl. I dream of her as a older child at my side asking me all kinds of questions..One day i pray that day to come…I also hope and pray that you no a day doesnt go by that i dont think of you guys…with all my heart love u guys…miss you Crystal Ann and our beautiful daughter Sophia Anna i no you are at peace much love pookie daddy Joe
Sent a gift in memory of Crystal Wiggins Patterson
Another year without you..I miss you so much.I dream of the day i will see u again and meet my little Sophia…Sophia would have had her sixth birthday this year..i think of her all the time what kind baby she is and how she would act like u or me or both of us.. Just no this in this world when someone passes they say life goes on and it has, but she are very much alive in my thoughts and memories,at a Mcdonalds we at in or a store we shop in or everytime i pass andys there are things in my everyday that remind me of you..much love Angel pookie
hey baby just thought i would stop by to drop you a line..Valentines day just past and i sat on the couch and cried i wipe the tears and before i knew it they were rolling down my face again..getting close to seven years now and i no each and every day how much i love you from the hurt i feel it seems like it hurts even more now,some might say in a good way it shows me how much i love you and still do,i think of you and Sophia so much i ve been told to move on i guess that means forget you guys and go on if thats the case i rather not go on…So i think i will just keep you alive in my heart forever.. I can only imagine our daughter at the age of seven almost with her mamas good looks and my brain and a little attitude from the both of us that is one hect of a mix..well my angel guess i go for now..i will be back soon …hug my baby and tell her her dad love her ….your pookie Joe
Hey sweetheart i know i am late been super busy..Just stopping buy to let you no i was and always do think of you…I have been talking to Darlene she and the twins are doing good..Hard to believe its been ten years without you guys i so wish you were here to meet your grandsons knowing you they would be spoiled rotten…Honey til this day everywhere i go there is a reminder of you…i would give all the money in the world for one day with you guys just to hold you both and tell you how much i love you both…well i guess i will go now i will be back soon your birthday and Sophia’s coming up . love you guys forever Your Joe
In memory of Crystal Wiggins Patterson, jose claudio lit a candle
hey baby its been a while just stopping by to let you know i am now and always thinking of my girls ,i miss u so so much. i would give all the money in the world to hold you one more time. Tomorrow is the day you and my Sophia were taken from me a day i will never forget …kiss my baby and let her no i am thinking of her …i love u today as much as i did ten years ago angel only god knows how much…much much love pookie